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Top 10 Best Google Chrome Tricks and Tips

One of the best web browser that is available till date is the Google Chrome web browser. This highly feature fledged browser has some amazing options for users that make it much easier to browse. Some of you people might be using this browser since long time but you may not be still familiar with most of it’s functions as there are vast range of functions that Google chrome provides to users. Here in this article, we have mentioned  some amazing tricks and tips for the Google chrome browser. Go through the list and you will find out some really helpful tricks too that will also help you in browsing.

Top 10 Best Google Chrome Tricks and Tips

So have a look on all the cool tricks and tips that you can try in your google chrome browser.
1. Type chrome://flags/ in Google chrome URL bar and you will see various cool settings that you may have never seen before in your Google chrome, you can easily modify them to have the best browsing experience in your Chrome.
2. Use these key combinations i.e Ctrl-Shift-T (Cmd-Shift-T on a Mac) to reopen the closed tabs or you can say undo the close action for tabs. Use this trick again to open the further closed tabs.
3. After selecting the text in the web page, right click on it and this will load a list of options. From there you can select the “search text” option. This will help you search the selected text and the result will be shown in the new tab. You can also search for the URL’s in the same way.
4. Press key combination of Ctrl-Shift-B (Cmd-Shift-B on a Mac). This will toggle the browser’s Bookmarks Bar in and out of view. This will show you the list of saved Bookmarks Bar folder along the top of the screen. The drop-down menu for all of your other bookmarks will also be available at the far right.
5. Ctrl-Shift-D (Cmd-Shift-D on a Mac):the other key combinations that you can use within the Google chrome. It will save all your open tabs as bookmarks within a single folder and if you want to reopen them, you can simply right-click on the folder and select “Open all bookmarks in new window.”
6.  Google chrome supports the hands-free searching function. Using Android-esque “OK, Google” hotword you can use voice search commands. Download the Google’s official Voice Search Hotword extension and add it to the google chrome. After enabling its functions you can use it to voice search the results.
7. Press ctrl+shift+J button of keyboard in any of the webpage and you will have the advance developer option in your browser where you can on edit some on page coding of the Chrome.
8. Type anything in URL bar and press enter by holding Alt button of your keyboard it will open the searched thing in a new tab and you will not miss out the current page content.
9. For closing up all the open tabs instantly you just need a shortcut ctrl+w keys and this will gonna close all the open tabs in nanoseconds and is much more convenient than the close button.
10. Just type chrome://plugins in chrome URL bar and this will open all the installed plugins in your google chrome, you can simply disable and enable and of the plugins according to your wish.

Here are some of the best and most used Google Chrome Browser Shortcuts that you can use:

#Ctrl+Tab – Navigate Tabs
#Ctrl+N – Open a new Chrome browser window
#Alt+Left Arrow – Go to the previous page from your history
#Alt+F – Open the wrench menu
#Alt+Home – Go to home page
#Ctrl+U – View source code of the current page
#Ctrl+K – To search quickly in the address bar
#Ctrl+L – Highlights the URL in the address bar
#Space bar – Scroll down the current web page
#Ctrl+Shift+N – Open a new incognito window
#Ctrl+Shift+B – Toggle bookmark display
#Ctrl+W – Close the current Tab
#Ctrl+H – Go to history window
#Alt+Right Arrow – Go to the next page from your history
#Ctrl+J – Go to downloads window
So these were the best and notably most used tricks for the Google chrome browser. You will find these tricks very helpful while you are browsing on the internet. Just give up the instant try to these tricks ! You shall come to know the real power of the giant beast i.e Google Chrome.

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