How To Run Android Apps On Linux OS
Learn How To Run Android Apps On Linux OS: Get the best emulators for your Linux operating system to run your favorite android apps right on your Linux PC with great ease.
Linux is the major software platform for the computers while android is the major software platform for the mobile devices. Android has a vast number of applications and most of these apps are really impressive. You won’t get abundant apps on any platform that you get on the android. Linux is great but you don’t get as many featured apps like you get on Android. Linux users would be thinking if they could install the Android apps on their system but this is not possible directly. If you are also a linux user and want to install and run Android apps on your system then you can do that up. You just have to follow up the instructions given in this article and you shall be able to run the Android apps on Linux.
How To Run Android Apps On Linux OS
Below we have listed some of the best emulator that will help you to run android apps right on your Linux. Download any of them and
Steps To Run Android Apps On Linux OS:
1. Firstly download and install the application in your android that you want to run in your Linux PC.
Installing Chrome in Linux
2. Now you need to download and install the Google chrome in your Linux by accepting their terms and conditions and getting the installer for it. 
3. When the installation process prompted you just need to enter the sudo password there and let the installation complete.
Installing ARChon in Linux
4. Now you need to install Install ARChon for that firstly download its packages from here 32-bit or 64-bit.
5. Open your file manager and navigate to the Downloads directory (or wherever you have downloaded the .zip file) and then right-click the ARChon zip file and select Extract Here.
6. Now rename the newly created folder (right-click and select Rename) to archon and move the newly named folder to your home directory (right-click on archon, select Move To, select Home, and click Select.
7. Now time to install the extension to the chrome for that simply open Chrome and click on what is often referred to as the Overflow Menu (three horizontal bars in the top right corner) and then select More tools -> Extensions.
8. Now click to enable Developer mode and then click Load unpacked extension and then navigate to your home directory and select archon and click on open.
Getting Apk Files Of The Apps
9. Now in your android download and install the app ARChon Packager and use this app to generate the apk file for your PC.
10. Now share the generated apk files to your PC via any means of transfer and now navigate to directory where that apk is present and right click on apk and click on extract here.
Installing Apps In Chrome
11. Now click to enable Developer mode and then click Load unpacked extension and then navigate to your directory where apk has been extracted and select the open option there.
Running Apps On Chrome
12. Open Chrome and you should see a button in the upper left corner labeledApps. Click on that and the newly installed apps will be ready to run. Click on the app you want to run to see how well it functions.
13. That’s it you are done, now you can easily run android apps on your Linux.
So this is all about How To Run Android Apps On Linux. Use this simple guide and easily run android apps right on your Linux. Hope you like the tutorial, keep on sharing with others too. Leave a comment below if you have any related queries with this.
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